MP24 EASYCALL: C M O = Compensating Magnetic Oscillator

Compensates the biological effects of electromagnetic radiation from emitting devices.

1. Scope of the CMO: MP24 -EASYCALL :

(MP24-EASYCALL is the optimized version of the MP23-EASYCALL, same general characteristics, but the external face has been reinforced for a better scratch resistance.)
Protection against electromagnetic radiation from mobile phones.
It is suitable for appliances with one or more of the following technologies: GSM 900 - GSM 1800 - EDGE - GPRS - UMTS / 3G, 3G +, 4G - Bluetooth - WIFI - CDMA, iPhone, iPad. The CMO MP24-EASYCALL also has other applications: GPS, baby phones, and DECT phones combined. This protection specifically targets the electromagnetic fields generated by the electronic components of mobile telephones and radio communication up and down from 400 MHz to 5 GHz with its modulations
Compatibility with other CMOs: Note that the MP24-EASYCALL cannot be replaced by any other CMO in our line of products: there are specifics (in the same way that for the CMO PC16-PCZONE for computers) : these devices being in direct physical contact with your body, the protection is unique for this application: other CMOs (such as TR26-Traveler multifunction or MF04-HARMONY multifunction) cover other needs corresponding to more distant sources (such as relay antennas, etc.).
With a CMO, your cell phone becomes "biocompatible", i.e. compatible with living organisms.

2. Instructions for use:

MP24-EASYCALL simply sticks to a flat surface of the phone or its shell, where you want (on the edge or at the back).
You can ask your distributor to send you a strong double-sided replacement adhesive if you need to change the phone.

3. Protective coverage area:

MP24-EASYCALL is a so-called "personal" protection: its field of action can be illustrated by a "close protection bubble" for one single person. It is not designed to protect third parties.
* Note: the influence of the CMO on its environment is given as an indication, but it can not in any case be a precise measure: here, it is the limit of effectiveness of the corrective effect which is estimated by the RAC method (auricular-cardiac reflex).

For more information: A New Method in Auricular Medicine for the Investigation of the Nogier Reflex

Experimental set up and first RAC test measurement for high-resolution imaging of pulsatory surface changes at the laboratory of the Institute of Pathophysiology and Immunology at the Medical University of Graz on November 5, 2014

4. Product specifications:

MP24-EASYCALL is ultra-light (2.5 grams) and ultra-flat (dimensions: diameter 25 mm, thickness 4.3 mm).
Composition: CMOs are passive magnetic oscillators, operating without energy input: they “self-activate” in the presence of artificial electromagnetic fields.
The aluminum shell is made of 100% aluminum.
Chemical composition of the active solutions: microcrystalline specific saline solution treated electromagnetically.

5. Lifespan:

The efficiency of CMO magnetic compensating oscillators has no time limit to this date: the very first CMOs manufactured by COMOSYSTEMS remain effective, and a scientific study has been conducted to verify it over two consecutive years without demonstrating a weakening . However, in the "Renewal" section, we advise you to consult your local distributor about any updates or optimizations.

6. Warranty:

CMOs are guaranteed for two years (guarantee based on a scientific study carried out and asessing the stability of the biological efficiency of the CMO during this period). The guarantee takes effect from the date of activation of the product registered on the manufacturer's website, either by going to the "Activation" page or directly from this link:
Note: the guarantee concerns the solid components of the oscillator. The active solution is guaranteed only in compliance with the recommendations for use.

7. Certificate of authenticity:

Only activation of the product validates the warranty and allows you to receive, in return, a certificate of authenticity (identified by the serial number that you will find in the packaging box of your product): you will be asked to copy it In the product registration form: this authenticated number guarantees that your product is original, that it was built in our manufacturing unit and has undergone rigorous quality and efficiency control procedures.

8. Renewal:

At the end of the two-year warranty, your CMO protection is still active, but its effectiveness may begin to become incomplete, given the cycles of renewal of these high-tech products and the regular modifications made to the components (CPU, RAM, SSD, etc. ...) which generate different or new frequencies to compensate.
On the other hand, our scientific team has the mission to optimize our production tools and our quality control protocols: we can speak of "generations of CMO"

1st generation: The first CMOs were designed individually to compensate for the biological effects of frequencies emitted by a single source of electromagnetic pollution. (Computer, mobile phone ...)

2nd generation (current): The scientific team succeeded in combining the properties of the active solutions without interfering with each other: it was the advent of "multifunctional" devices that united in a single CMO a protection covering several emitting sources ,( such ashigh voltage lines, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, geobiology, etc.).

3rd generation (to come): Our scientific team is currently studying new protocols that will still neutralize other potentially harmful modulated frequencies, and taking into account the evolution of the technologies under preparation (in particular 5G) making CMOs always more efficient. By registering your license, we will be able to keep you informed of the progress of this work.

Comosystems does not adhere to the concept of programmed obsolescence: your old CMO protections are probably still effective, but we recommend that you to watch for new generations, constantly adapted to the evolving context of high-tech technologies. Contact your distributor for further information.

9. Restrictions on use:

Do not swallow, do not leave children within reach due to its small size, do not use under conditions other than those recommended (pasted onto the phone). Notes about temperatures: below 0 ° Celsius or 32 ° Fahrenheit, CMO becomes passive, and becomes active again above 0 °Celsius or 32 ° Fahrenheit. Do not place into the washing machine if temperature exceeds 60 °C or 140 °F, (beyond, the active solution would be irretrievably destroyed.)

10. Limitations of Liability:

Published scientific studies have highlighted the correction of the potential effects of exposure to EMF and the corrective effects of the CMO: our allegations strictly adhere to these results, leaving you free to interpret them.
However, the products presented on the website “” are not prescription drugs or medicaments, they cannot be considered as such, and do not replace your usual treatment. As the information on this site does not constitute medical advice, it is your responsibility to consult your doctor in order to obtain professional advice for any particular health problem.
The company COMOSYSTEMS SL is the manufacturer of CMO magnetic compensating oscillators. It disclaims all responsibility for the use of the products outside the recommended scope and outside of the instructions for use. If in doubt, consult your physician or family doctor.

11. Eco Responsibility

Comosystems, concerned with preserving the environment and in an eco-responsible development approach, chose the most innovative and environmentally friendly materials for its packaging. Based on the latest research in packaging, the case of your product consists of completely recyclable corn by-products offering a level of total biodegradability after three weeks of composting. For this reason, COMOSYSTEMS has preferred to focus on eco-responsibility to the detriment of aesthetics, certain that the consumers of this alternative health market will appreciate these values. The carton that wraps your protective device is also fully recyclable and the ink used is biodegradable.

PC16 - PCZONE: C M O= Compensating Magnetic Oscillator

Compensates the biological effects of the electromagnetic radiation from emitting devices.

1. Scope of the CMO: PC16-PCZONE :

(PC16-PCZONE is the new optimized version of the PC15-PCZONE: better suited to modern flat computers, it can fit anywhere on computers, laptops and tablets and now has an optimized finish against wear and scratches.)
Protection against electromagnetic radiation from computers (all types of screens)
PC16-PCZONE compensates for the potential effects of computers, their electronic components, screens, Bluetooth and the Wi-Fi of the equipped device *.
PC16-PCZONE also compensates for the effects of EMF emitted by microwave ovens and induction plates.
* Compatibility with other CMOs: note that the PC16-PCZONE cannot be replaced by any other CMO protection in our line of products: it is specific for this application so, reserved to computers, just like the CMO MP-24 EASYCALL is reserved for mobile phones: these devices are in direct contact with your body, other CMOs cover other needs corresponding to more remote sources (such as relay antennas, etc.). With a CMO, your computer, portable or desktop, becomes "biocompatible", i.e. compatible with living organisms.

2. Instructions for use:

PC16-PCZONE simply sticks to the back cover of your computer, laptop

3. Protective coverage area:

PC16-PCZONE is a so-called "personal" protection: its field of action can be illustrated by a "close protection bubble" around the protected person. It is not designed to protect third parties.
* Note: the influence of the CMO on its environment is given as an indication, but it can not in any case be a precise measure: here, it is the limit of effectiveness of the corrective effect which is estimated by the RAC method (auricular-cardiac reflex).

For more information: A New Method in Auricular Medicine for the Investigation of the Nogier Reflex

Source : Experimental set up and first RAC test measurement for high-resolution imaging of pulsatory surface changes at the laboratory of the Institute of Pathophysiology and Immunology at the Medical University of Graz on November 5, 2014

4. Product specifications:

PC16-PCZONE is ultra-light (2.5 grams) and ultra-flat (dimensions: diameter 25 mm, thickness 4.3 mm). Composition: CMOs are passive magnetic oscillators, operating without energy input: they activate in the presence of artificial electromagnetic fields.
Aluminum shell made of 100% aluminum.
Chemical composition of the active solutions: microcrystalline saline solution, treated electromagnetically.

5. Lifespan:

The efficiency of CMO magnetic compensating oscillators has no time limit to this date: the very first CMOs manufactured by COMOSYSTEMS remain effective, and a scientific study has been conducted to verify it over two consecutive years without demonstrating a weakening . However, in the "Renewal" section, we advise you to consult your local distributor about any updates or optimizations.

6. Warranty:

CMOs are guaranteed for two years (guarantee based on a scientific study carried out and asessing the stability of the biological efficiency of the CMO during this period). The guarantee takes effect from the date of activation of the product registered on the manufacturer's website, either by going to the "Activation" page or directly from this link:
Note: the guarantee concerns the solid components of the oscillator. The active solution is guaranteed only in compliance with the recommendations for use.

7. Certificate of authenticity:

Only activation of the product validates the warranty and allows you to receive, in return, a certificate of authenticity (identified by the serial number that you will find in the packaging box of your product): you will be asked to copy it In the product registration form: this authenticated number guarantees that your product is original, that it was built in our manufacturing unit and has undergone rigorous quality and efficiency control procedures.

8. Renewal:

At the end of the two-year warranty, your CMO protection is still active, but its effectiveness may begin to become incomplete, given the cycles of renewal of these high-tech products and the regular modifications made to the components (CPU, RAM, SSD, etc. ...) which generate different or new frequencies to compensate.
On the other hand, our scientific team has the mission to optimize our production tools and our quality control protocols: we can speak of "generations of CMO"

1st generation: The first CMOs were designed individually to compensate for the biological effects of frequencies emitted by a single source of electromagnetic pollution. (Computer, mobile phone ...)

2nd generation (current): The scientific team succeeded in combining the properties of the active solutions without interfering with each other: it was the advent of "multifunctional" devices that united in a single CMO a protection covering several emitting sources ,( such ashigh voltage lines, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, geobiology, etc.).

3rd generation (to come): Our scientific team is currently studying new protocols that will still neutralize other potentially harmful modulated frequencies, and taking into account the evolution of the technologies under preparation (in particular 5G) making CMOs always more efficient. By registering your license, we will be able to keep you informed of the progress of this work.

Comosystems does not adhere to the concept of programmed obsolescence: your old CMO protections are probably still effective, but we recommend that you to watch for new generations, constantly adapted to the evolving context of high-tech technologies. Contact your distributor for further information.

9. Restrictions on use:

Do not swallow, do not leave children within reach due to its small size, do not use under conditions other than those recommended (pasted onto the phone). Notes about temperatures: below 0 ° Celsius or 32 ° Fahrenheit, CMO becomes passive, and becomes active again above 0 °Celsius or 32 ° Fahrenheit. Do not place into the washing machine if temperature exceeds 60 °C or 140 °F, (beyond, the active solution would be irretrievably destroyed.)

10. Limitations of Liability:

Published scientific studies have highlighted the correction of the potential effects of exposure to EMF and the corrective effects of the CMO: our allegations strictly adhere to these results, leaving you free to interpret them.
However, the products presented on the website “” are not prescription drugs or medicaments, they cannot be considered as such, and do not replace your usual treatment. As the information on this site does not constitute medical advice, it is your responsibility to consult your doctor in order to obtain professional advice for any particular health problem.
The company COMOSYSTEMS SL is the manufacturer of CMO magnetic compensating oscillators. It disclaims all responsibility for the use of the products outside the recommended scope and outside of the instructions for use. If in doubt, consult your physician or family doctor.

11. Eco Responsibility

Comosystems, concerned with preserving the environment and in an eco-responsible development approach, chose the most innovative and environmentally friendly materials for its packaging. Based on the latest research in packaging, the case of your product consists of completely recyclable corn by-products offering a level of total biodegradability after three weeks of composting. For this reason, COMOSYSTEMS has preferred to focus on eco-responsibility to the detriment of aesthetics, certain that the consumers of this alternative health market will appreciate these values. The carton that wraps your protective device is also fully recyclable and the ink used is biodegradable.

TR26-TRAVELER: C M O=: Compensating Magnetic Oscillator

Compensates the biological effects of the electromagnetic radiation from emitting devices.

1. Scope of the CMO: TR26-TRAVELLER multifonctions.

(TR26 - TRAVELER "has just been optimized in its design, manufacture and applications: to meet the needs of our customers, TR26 - TRAVELLER has been reinforced in its active ingredients, with the incorporation of former HE22-ZENACTITUD, initially intended for the E.H.S (Electro-Hyper-Sensitive) people.
Protection against electromagnetic radiation while traveling, or outside your home.
TR26 - TRAVELER compensates for the potential effects of Wi-Fi, WiMAX, Bluetooth, DECT wired telephones, relay antennas, satellite communications, low to very high voltage electrical networks, geo-biological disturbances, microwave ovens, low consumption light bulbs, smart meters, CPL (Carrying Currents Online), transport (car, plane and train) ..
* Caution: TR26 - TRAVELER multifunction protectors cover all the sources of electromagnetic pollution mentioned above. But they do not replace the need to equip communication devices in physical and direct contact with your body: for example, for your mobile phones and computers, we recommend that you wear MP24-EASYCALL (for cellular) or a PC16- PCZONE (for computers and laptops) .

2. Instructions for use:

TR26 - TRAVELER is a protection to wear close to your body; In your pocket, wallet, or, to your choice hung on a necklace, pendant. A snap hook-ring accessory is provided: you can wear it as a collar, a belt buckle, a key ring, or attach it to your convenience thanks to the hole left for this purpose.

3. Protective coverage area:

The TR26 - TRAVELER has been designed to provide an effective compensation for the potential effects of your immediate surroundings *. The "protection bubble thus generated has a diameter of about 3 meters (10 feet).
* Note: the influence of the CMO on its environment is given as an indication, but it can not in any case be a precise measure: here, it is the limit of effectiveness of the corrective effect which is estimated by the RAC method (auricular-cardiac reflex).

For more information: A New Method in Auricular Medicine for the Investigation of the Nogier Reflex

Source : Experimental set up and first RAC test measurement for high-resolution imaging of pulsatory surface changes at the laboratory of the Institute of Pathophysiology and Immunology at the Medical University of Graz on November 5, 2014

4. Product specifications:

TR26 - TRAVELER "weighs 34 grams for a diameter of 45 mm, and a 9 mm thickness.
Composition: CMOs are passive magnetic oscillators, operating without energy input: they activate in the presence of artificial electromagnetic fields.
The aluminum shell is made of 100% aluminum.
Chemical composition of the active solutions: micro-crystalline specific saline solution treated electromagnetically.

5. Lifespan:

The efficiency of CMO magnetic compensating oscillators has no time limit to this date: the very first CMOs manufactured by COMOSYSTEMS remain effective, and a scientific study has been conducted to verify it over two consecutive years without demonstrating a weakening . However, in the "Renewal" section, we advise you to consult your local distributor about any updates or optimizations.

6. Warranty:

CMOs are guaranteed for two years (guarantee based on a scientific study carried out and asessing the stability of the biological efficiency of the CMO during this period). The guarantee takes effect from the date of activation of the product registered on the manufacturer's website, either by going to the "Activation" page or directly from this link:
Note: the guarantee concerns the solid components of the oscillator. The active solution is guaranteed only in compliance with the recommendations for use.

7. Certificate of authenticity:

Only activation of the product validates the warranty and allows you to receive, in return, a certificate of authenticity (identified by the serial number that you will find in the packaging box of your product): you will be asked to copy it In the product registration form: this authenticated number guarantees that your product is original, that it was built in our manufacturing unit and has undergone rigorous quality and efficiency control procedures.

8. Renewal:

At the end of the two-year warranty, your CMO protection is still active, but its effectiveness may begin to become incomplete, given the cycles of renewal of these high-tech products and the regular modifications made to the components (CPU, RAM, SSD, etc. ...) which generate different or new frequencies to compensate.
On the other hand, our scientific team has the mission to optimize our production tools and our quality control protocols: we can speak of "generations of CMO"

1st generation: The first CMOs were designed individually to compensate for the biological effects of frequencies emitted by a single source of electromagnetic pollution. (Computer, mobile phone ...)

2nd generation (current): The scientific team succeeded in combining the properties of the active solutions without interfering with each other: it was the advent of "multifunctional" devices that united in a single CMO a protection covering several emitting sources ,( such ashigh voltage lines, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, geobiology, etc.).

3rd generation (to come): Our scientific team is currently studying new protocols that will still neutralize other potentially harmful modulated frequencies, and taking into account the evolution of the technologies under preparation (in particular 5G) making CMOs always more efficient. By registering your license, we will be able to keep you informed of the progress of this work.

Comosystems does not adhere to the concept of programmed obsolescence: your old CMO protections are probably still effective, but we recommend that you to watch for new generations, constantly adapted to the evolving context of high-tech technologies. Contact your distributor for further information.

9. Restrictions on use:

Do not swallow, do not leave children within reach due to its small size, do not use under conditions other than those recommended (pasted onto the phone). Notes about temperatures: below 0 ° Celsius or 32 ° Fahrenheit, CMO becomes passive, and becomes active again above 0 °Celsius or 32 ° Fahrenheit. Do not place into the washing machine if temperature exceeds 60 °C or 140 °F, (beyond, the active solution would be irretrievably destroyed.)

10. Limitations of Liability:

Published scientific studies have highlighted the correction of the potential effects of exposure to EMF and the corrective effects of the CMO: our allegations strictly adhere to these results, leaving you free to interpret them.
However, the products presented on the website “” are not prescription drugs or medicaments, they cannot be considered as such, and do not replace your usual treatment. As the information on this site does not constitute medical advice, it is your responsibility to consult your doctor in order to obtain professional advice for any particular health problem.
The company COMOSYSTEMS SL is the manufacturer of CMO magnetic compensating oscillators. It disclaims all responsibility for the use of the products outside the recommended scope and outside of the instructions for use. If in doubt, consult your physician or family doctor.

MF04 - HARMONY: C M O: Compensation Magnetic Oscillator*: * (and MF05-HARMONY XL)

Compensates the biological effects of the electromagnetic radiation from emitting devices.

1. Scope of the CMO: MF04 - HARMONY multifonctions.

(MF04 – HARMONY has just been optimized in its design, manufacture and applications: to meet customer demands, the top of the cone has been rounded, crimping is done without screws, A recognition logo)
Protection against electromagnetic radiation at home
MF04 - HARMONY compensates for the potential effects of Wi-Fi, WiMAX, Bluetooth, DECT wired telephones, relay antennas, satellite communications, electrical networks from low to very high voltage, geo-biological disturbances, microwave ovens, low consumption light bulbs smart meters, CPL (Carrying Currents Online), transport (car, plane and train) ..
* Attention: the MF04 - HARMONY multifunction protection covers the majority of the sources of electromagnetic pollution described above. But they do not replace the need to equip communication devices in contact with your body: for example, for your mobile phones and computers, we recommend that you equip them with an MP24-EASYCALL (for cellular phones) or a PC16- PCZONE (for laptops, desktops, tablets).

2. Instructions for use:

MF04 - HARMONY is preferably located at the epicenter of your home, halfway up, for example on a shelf.

3. Protective coverage area:

The MF04 - HARMONY has been sized to provide effective compensation for the potential effects of E.M.F in a house of about 100 m² (1076 square feet or less) *.
The MF05-HARMONY XL offers all the characteristics of the MF04-HARMONY but with a surface area equivalent to a house of about 200 m² (2152 square feet).
* Note: the influence of the CMO on its environment is given as an indication, but it can not in any case be a precise measure: here, it is the limit of effectiveness of the corrective effect which is estimated by the RAC method (auricular-cardiac reflex).

For more information: A New Method in Auricular Medicine for the Investigation of the Nogier Reflex

Source : Experimental set up and first RAC test measurement for high-resolution imaging of pulsatory surface changes at the laboratory of the Institute of Pathophysiology and Immunology at the Medical University of Graz on November 5, 2014

4. Product specifications:

MF04 - HARMONY is a cone with a nice aesthetic with violin color.
MF05 – HARMONY XL is a cone with a nice aesthetic with gold champagne color.
Dimensions: Cone with 69 mm diameter, 53 mm height - 165 grams weight
MF05 HARMONY XL: Dimensions: Cone with 100 mm diameter, 73 mm height - 437 grams weight)
Composition: CMOs are passive magnetic oscillators, operating without energy input: they activate in the presence of artificial electromagnetic fields.
The aluminum shell is made of 100% aluminum.
Chemical composition of the active solutions: microcrystalline saline solution treated electromagnetically.

5. Lifespan:

The efficiency of CMO magnetic compensating oscillators has no time limit to this date: the very first CMOs manufactured by COMOSYSTEMS remain effective, and a scientific study has been conducted to verify it over two consecutive years without demonstrating a weakening . However, in the "Renewal" section, we advise you to consult your local distributor about any updates or optimizations.

6. Warranty:

CMOs are guaranteed for two years (guarantee based on a scientific study carried out and asessing the stability of the biological efficiency of the CMO during this period). The guarantee takes effect from the date of activation of the product registered on the manufacturer's website, either by going to the "Activation" page or directly from this link:
Note: the guarantee concerns the solid components of the oscillator. The active solution is guaranteed only in compliance with the recommendations for use.

7. Certificate of authenticity:

Only activation of the product validates the warranty and allows you to receive, in return, a certificate of authenticity (identified by the serial number that you will find in the packaging box of your product): you will be asked to copy it In the product registration form: this authenticated number guarantees that your product is original, that it was built in our manufacturing unit and has undergone rigorous quality and efficiency control procedures.

8. Renewal:

At the end of the two-year warranty, your CMO protection is still active, but its effectiveness may begin to become incomplete, given the cycles of renewal of these high-tech products and the regular modifications made to the components (CPU, RAM, SSD, etc. ...) which generate different or new frequencies to compensate.
On the other hand, our scientific team has the mission to optimize our production tools and our quality control protocols: we can speak of "generations of CMO"

1st generation: The first CMOs were designed individually to compensate for the biological effects of frequencies emitted by a single source of electromagnetic pollution. (Computer, mobile phone ...)

2nd generation (current): The scientific team succeeded in combining the properties of the active solutions without interfering with each other: it was the advent of "multifunctional" devices that united in a single CMO a protection covering several emitting sources ,( such ashigh voltage lines, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, geobiology, etc.).

3rd generation (to come): Our scientific team is currently studying new protocols that will still neutralize other potentially harmful modulated frequencies, and taking into account the evolution of the technologies under preparation (in particular 5G) making CMOs always more efficient. By registering your license, we will be able to keep you informed of the progress of this work.

Comosystems does not adhere to the concept of programmed obsolescence: your old CMO protections are probably still effective, but we recommend that you to watch for new generations, constantly adapted to the evolving context of high-tech technologies. Contact your distributor for further information.

9. Restrictions on use:

Do not swallow, do not leave children within reach due to its small size, do not use under conditions other than those recommended (pasted onto the phone). Notes about temperatures: below 0 ° Celsius or 32 ° Fahrenheit, CMO becomes passive, and becomes active again above 0 °Celsius or 32 ° Fahrenheit. Do not place into the washing machine if temperature exceeds 60 °C or 140 °F, (beyond, the active solution would be irretrievably destroyed.)

10. Limitations of Liability:

Published scientific studies have highlighted the correction of the potential effects of exposure to EMF and the corrective effects of the CMO: our allegations strictly adhere to these results, leaving you free to interpret them.
However, the products presented on the website “” are not prescription drugs or medicaments, they cannot be considered as such, and do not replace your usual treatment. As the information on this site does not constitute medical advice, it is your responsibility to consult your doctor in order to obtain professional advice for any particular health problem.
The company COMOSYSTEMS SL is the manufacturer of CMO magnetic compensating oscillators. It disclaims all responsibility for the use of the products outside the recommended scope and outside of the instructions for use. If in doubt, consult your physician or family doctor.



• Protection against electromagnetic radiation in direct contact with the inside of the ear
• Eliminates the EMF emitted by the electric currents supplying standard earphones.
• Prevents the electromagnetic propagation effect of cellular phones through the electric cables of standard earphones


Acoustic chambers brain’s remoteness
Miniature speakers of "standard" headsets made of permanent magnets generate a magnetic induction (and therefore an E.M field) very next to the brain. With SP21 AIRCALL, the ear-tips placed in the ear canal do not contain any magnetic elements or likely to generate EMFs. The transducers are located at a significant distance from the brain, in two small chambers or sound cavities: this distance corresponds exactly to the W.H.O (world health organization) recommendations, confirming that the remoteness of EMF is the most effective way to reduce the effects.

Wireless transmission by hollow tube
The sound is then generated by the transducers vibrating the air in the hollow tube

Cable shielding
Since the jack plug, all the wiring is covered with an insulating shield made of a weaving of pure copper wire, preventing the external dissipation of EMF along the wired part. All these properties justified the decision of the Chinese Army to equip their air pilots with this patented technology.

Safety distance from the brain with SP21 AIRCALL
The SP21 AIRCALL allows to keep away from the brain any electric or electromagnetic field (from wiring and headphones components ) with a cable length of 1.26 meter, remoteness explaining the reduction of exposure by more than 99%. SP21 AIRCALL earphones are equipped with a patented system of acoustic chambers (sound cavity) for each ear: the sound is reproduced by amplification in the acoustic chamber and then transmitted by an air tube to the ear.


SP21 AIRCALL is to be used like all headphones: a jack allows the standard connection for all mobile phones, a small attachment clip (provided) keeps the earphones at the right height, and the ergonomic shape of the ear-tips guarantee a good fit of the headphones, whether driving, on the train, or while jogging. The kit comes with a pair of spare membranes: if you need other membranes, ask your local distributor.
NOTE: SP21 AIRCALL prevents the propagation of EMF along the standard headphones’ wirings.. However, it does not prevent the effects related to EMF emitted by the phone itself on the rest of the body: a complete and responsible equipment is proposed in the form of a pack: it associates the MP24 EASYCALL (pastille to stick on the telephones ) and the AIRCALL pneumatic earphones: this is the DP21 AIRCALL pack. If you purchase already SP21 AIRCALL, for a total protection, we recommend you buy also MP24 EASYCALL and stick it to your smartphone.


1. Avoid letting the headset plug into the laptop’s audio jack when stored in a bag. This tends to create excessive mechanical pulls on the wires of the earphone jack and thus leads to a breakage of the wires prematurely, which will not be covered by the warranty.
2. Do not wrap the wire around the notebook for the same reasons.
3. Pacemaker and defibrillator users warning: By applying the optimum precautionary principle, and due to the presence of a permanent magnet in the transducers, the product is contraindicated with pacemakers users as similarly to any standard headphones.

WARNING! As a matter of hygiene, our “money back” guarantee cannot be applied to this product. No exchange will be accepted on open / used material. Thank you for your understanding